Why Your Website Traffic is Tanking and How to Fix It

February 22, 2024
Posted by
Andrew Pottruff
Why Your Website Traffic is Tanking and How to Fix It

Why Your Website Traffic is Dropping

Before we can fix the problem, we need to diagnose what's causing your traffic decline. Here are some of the usual suspects:

Google Algorithm Updates

Google frequently tweaks its search algorithms, which can suddenly impact your site's rankings and traffic. For example, Google's BERT update in late 2019 aimed to improve search results relevance, which shuffled many sites' rankings. Stay up-to-date on Google's algorithm announcements to anticipate potential ranking changes.

Technical Issues

Small technical problems like slow page speed, broken links, and server downtime can negatively impact your website traffic. Make sure to regularly monitor your site speed with Google PageSpeed Insights and fix any issues, like optimizing images. Fast load times keep visitors happy and engaged.

Low-Quality Content

Thin, unoptimized content doesn't rank well or attract visitors. Ensure your content is sufficiently in-depth, focused on high-traffic keywords, and provides value to readers. For example, a 300-word blog post won't perform as well as a comprehensive 2,000 word guide. Follow on-page SEO best practices to optimize your content.

Lack of Promotion

If you build it, they won't necessarily come. You need to actively promote your content across social media, earn high-authority backlinks, encourage shares, and more. Develop an outreach strategy to connect with relevant sites and writers in your industry to score impactful backlinks.

Increased Competition

Over time, more sites target your main keywords, making it harder to rank. Perform ongoing keyword research to find promising long-tail keywords with less competition. Creating fresh, relevant content for those keywords can help you regain lost traffic.

Seasonal Changes

Many industries see dips in website traffic during slow seasons. For example, a landscaping company will see fewer visitors in winter. Expect and plan for seasonal traffic fluctuations in your niche.

Getting Your Website Traffic Back on Track

Alright, you know why your traffic dropped. Now let's get your numbers back up, eh! Follow these tips:

Review Your Analytics

Dig into your Google Analytics reports to spot changes or patterns in your traffic sources, keywords, and other metrics. Compare to previous time periods to see what changed. This can reveal issues to address, like decreases from organic search.

Improve Page Experience

Google is emphasizing page experience factors like site speed, mobile optimization, and security in rankings. Make sure your pages score well on Google PageSpeed Insights and fix any issues impacting performance. Happy site visitors = higher conversions.

Enhance On-Page SEO

Optimizing your on-page SEO can improve rankings. Expand thin content, include target keywords in headings, meta descriptions, image names, and 2-3% of page content. Format content well with bullet points, headers, and images. Follow Google's SEO starter guide.

Earn High-Quality Backlinks

One of the most effective ways to regain lost organic traffic is to build new backlinks from authoritative websites related to your niche. Reach out to site owners and writers to contribute guest posts with a link back to your site. Focus on quality over quantity.

Promote Your Content

Don't just publish and pray! Actively promote your new and existing content on social media, email newsletters, paid ads, and anywhere else your audience hangs out online. Make sharing easy with share buttons. Ask your email subscribers to share your posts.

Refresh Your Content

Add new, useful content like blog posts and pages to your site regularly. Perform a content gap analysis to reveal high-traffic keywords that competitors rank for but you don't. Creating fresh content for those gaps can boost organic traffic.

Stay Ahead of Future Fluctuations

By proactively optimizing your site for long-term growth, you'll minimize the impact of future algorithm updates and seasonal swings. Keep producing high-quality content, earn links, promote your brand, and keep improving the site experience. Consistency and persistence pay off.

Don't let a traffic drop keep you down! Now you know why it happens and actionable ways to get your website traffic back on track. What strategies will you try first? Let me know in the comments!

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