Title: Answering the Top 20 Native Advertising FAQs for Publishers and Brands (2024)

March 12, 2024
Posted by
Andrew Pottruff
Title: Answering the Top 20 Native Advertising FAQs for Publishers and Brands (2024)


Native advertising has become one of the fastest growing digital ad formats, with spend expected to reach $85 billion by 2024. As more publishers and brands adopt native ads, questions arise on how to implement and optimize these placements. This guide will answer the top 20 most frequently asked questions about native advertising.

What is Native Advertising?

Native advertising refers to paid ads on a platform that match the look, feel and function of the surrounding editorial content. Examples include promoted posts on social media, recommended content, and in-feed sponsored posts that blend into news feeds. Unlike disruptive display ads, native ads aim to provide a smooth user experience.

Key benefits for publishers include higher clickthrough rates and revenues compared to banner ads. Brands enjoy greater engagement and conversion rates.

Is Native Advertising Effective?

Studies show native ads outperform banner ads across metrics like clickthrough rates (up to 2-4x higher), brand lift, and purchase intent. Leading publishers have seen CTRs of 0.5-1% for native ads. Brands such as Airbnb and Starbucks have successfully used native ads for objectives ranging from video views to app installs.

Creating relevant, non-promotional content and matching the surrounding user experience are key to unlocking the full potential of native ads.

How Do Native Ads Get Approval and Regulation?

Native ads are regulated by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and industry groups like the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB). Regulations require clear labeling and disclosures to identify sponsored content. Best practices include labels like "Promoted" or "Sponsored", distinguishing font/color, and concise disclosures.

What Are the Most Popular Native Ad Platforms and Networks?

Top native ad platforms include Taboola, Outbrain, Revcontent and MGID. They provide content recommendation widgets and in-article native ad placements on major online publishers. Native-only ad networks like Nativo, Sharethrough and TripleLift also offer scalable reach.

How Much Do Native Ads Cost?

Pricing models include:

  • CPM (cost per thousand impressions)
  • CPC (cost per click)
  • CPA (cost per conversion/acquisition)

Average CPMs range from $1-20 depending on factors like placement, publisher, targeting, and format. In-image native ads demand higher rates.

How Can Publishers Monetize with Native Ads?

Native ads generate 2-5x higher RPMs for publishers compared to banners. Recommended native ad units on article pages, sidebars, and content recommendation widgets can boost revenues without impacting user experience. A/B testing different placements is key to optimization.

What Native Ad Formats Work Best for Different Goals?

In-feed native ads work well for brand awareness, video views and social sharing. Promoted and recommended content performs best for clicks and conversions.

Place native ads contextually - product promotions on related articles, for example. Identify high-value pages such as category pages and on-site search results.

How Do Brands Create Effective Native Ad Content?

Creating relevant, non-promotional content is crucial. Align to the surrounding site's editorial style and voice. Highlight customer pain points and interests vs explicit product pitches. Include engaging headlines, useful images, and concise copy tailored to the platform.

How Are Native Ads Measured and Optimized?

Key metrics include clicks, CTR, conversions, engagement rate, and brand lift. A/B test different elements like headlines, images, and calls to action. Third-party tracking tools can augment limited analytics from native ad platforms.

How Much Do Publishers Earn from Native Ads?

Leading publishers can earn $50-60 RPMs or higher from native ads. Top-tier sites like The New York Times and Buzzfeed generate over $1 million per month. Optimization to improve viewability, clickthroughs and minimize ad blocking is key to maximizing revenues.

What Are the Top Native Advertising Strategies?

  • Content: Create relevant, non-promotional assets optimized for the platform.
  • Placement: Test high-value contexts and platforms. Prioritize mobile.
  • Optimization: Continuously test and tweak elements to improve performance.
  • Reach: Leverage native ad networks to scale campaigns.

What Are the Native Advertising Trends to Watch?

  • Native video ads gaining traction
  • Interactive formats like polls and quizzes
  • Personalization and advanced targeting capabilities
  • Contextual and AI-optimized native ad placements

What Are the Downsides and Challenges with Native Ads?

Sub-par native ads can ruin user experience. Limited customization and lack of scale on some native platforms can be a challenge. Difficulty attributing conversions across channels is another issue for marketers. While not perfect, best practices and continuous optimization help maximize native ad impact.


As one of the top performing and least intrusive digital ad formats, native advertising presents compelling opportunities for publishers and brands. This guide has covered key benefits, implementation strategies, top platforms and networks, performance metrics, and recent trends to help unlock the potential of native ads.

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